One of the biggest complaints about couponing is, 'I'd love to save money, I just don't have time to read flyers and clip coupons'.? This is Day One of my series "Sixty Minutes of Simplicity" where I will teach you how to coupon in less than one hour of couponing per week by creating a coupon file organizer.
In order to coupon quickly and efficiently, you have to be organized.? There are dozens of methods for coupon organization.? The best method, is the method that works for you.? That being said, I recommend the filing method or a coupon file organizer.? The filing method was the first organization method I learned.? After choosing the binder method instead in the beginning and spent a ton of money on heavy duty, large binders, dividers, sheet protects, different size pocket page protectors, it was just too time consuming and cumbersome.
In addition, I was under the impression that I had to print four to six copies of printable coupons as soon as they were available.? Some bloggers will suggest as much.? I have a contrasting opinion.? Sure, you may once in a blue moon not have access to a coupon because it has been printed too many times.? (This has never happen to me by the way.)? First, the goal here is to coupon in less than one hour per week, so we don't have time to print coupons you'll probably never use.? Second, I couldn't tell you the number of printed coupons I've thrown away because there are just too many and even with the coupon, the savings weren't significant to use.? So, not only was I throwing away coupons I never used, but I was wasting time, paper and ink.? Lastly, if you only print coupons prior to your trip to the store, then the need for a binder system decreases as well.
So I am going to discuss the filing system or how to create a . ?First, place hanging folders in your file box or drawer with 12 weeks of Sunday dates.? Each week when you get your inserts either in your Sunday paper, through your insert subscription service or any other source, you will place your whole inserts in your coupon file organizer hanging folder in the corresponding date folder. ?Then when you come back here to read your matchups and search the database, I will be telling you which insert and the date of the insert. ?You will simply pull the insert and clip your coupons in just a few minutes.
To create a coupon file organizer, you will need:
Filing cabinet, accordion file or filing box
Approximately 36 hanging folders (12 weeks of coupons, approximately 3 inserts per week. ?This varies depending on region.)
That's it! ?In less than sixty minutes, your coupon organization system will be complete. About the Author
Rachel is the creator of the blog,, a couponing blog dedicated to showing shoppers short on time and money how to coupon in less than 60 minutes per week.
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